Brimstone Studios Origin Story

“You’ve changed so much, do you even know who you are?” 

That’s a question I hear all the time. Of course I know who I am. I’m change, like the rest of us. 

One of the few things that remains constant for me is grasping for truth, even before I accepted the tides of change. Truth may seem elusive, but I believe we can get ever closer to it. Because of that search, and my blossoming atheism, I created Brimstone Studios as a home for work that elevates and has more to say.

It takes confidence to be boldly faithless. But, at the end of it all, it’s the code we live by that defines us. Through writing, illustration, podcasts, community spaces, comics, and more, Brimstone Studios stands firmly to pursue truth while culturing fearlessness, humanity, and empowerment in its community — our community. In true punk rock fashion, we create works that encourage deconstruction while embracing pleasure. I think Michael Stipe said it best, “Instead of pleasing others, please yourself.”

Welcome to Brimstone Studios, where you can embrace your inner monster.

- Dylan Jacobson

Media Publishing

Brimstone Studios is a media publisher and artist studio. As a publisher, we’re interested in representing artists, writers, and storytellers who are openly secular, a part of the LGBTQ+ community or its allies, or those who have disabilities. If you’re a fit, Brimstone Studios will help launch your next project, or publish your story to our newsletter.

Brimstone Studios is the home to Champions and Together With Goblins, a comic series and coloring book. Across three campaigns, we have raised $19,425 to publish these projects. Our audience has never let us down.

Brimstone Studios Artists